Sunday, September 19, 2010

Classroom Newsletters

We all know that developing relationships with parents can be very helpful. It helps parents to entrust their children to our care for a significant part of their lives. Our students benefit by having important people in their lives working together on their part. When we have healthy relationships with parents, we are able to communicate better and enlist their help.

One facet of building a relationship is through clear communication. While face to face communication is often best, it's not always possible or practical. A classroom newsletter can be used to communicate with parents and encourage two-way communication.

I teach in a very diverse community in which the majority of parents speak and read English. I use Comic Life to publish our classroom newsletters. My students and I plan and create them.

My goals are to inform parents about the current work and standards, give specific expectations and offer means of contacting me. I do this by using brief text boxes, photographs and other images. I believe Comic Life provides an efficient, attractive way to include and arrange the elements I need.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Classroom Environment: Beginning the School Year

When people walk into my classroom, they often remark how "neat," "organized," or "calm" it is. My classroom is intentionally "sparse." As a Responsive Classroom teacher, I believe the space we work in is extremely important. It must be organized so that students can use the resources efficiently. I have the luxury of ample storage space so all materials not currently being used are out of sight.

The only things I want "in sight" are learning tools and student displays. Since there is no student work to display in August, room set up is uncomplicated. My classroom library remains as it was the previous year. My students will browse bins and get to know the organizational scheme on day two.

Some student materials are set out for use on the first day: atlases for a geography activity, assorted dictionaries, student binders, planners, etc. as students begin using them on day one. On the walls are two resources we'll reference the first day.

My goal is to have my students, upon walking into our room, feel that the room will meet their needs: space to move and work, tools to assist them learn, and lots of possibilities!